fromExplore the Overberg with eco-conscious qualified Cape Tourism & FGASA nature guides.
Tel: 082 903 4569
Cell: 082 462 1505
Email: gilly.suroad@gmail.com
Website: www.africansunroad.com
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Explore the Overberg with eco-conscious qualified Cape Tourism & FGASA nature guides.Stroll along the ‘Champagne Mile%u2019, Blue Flag Beaches or hike in Fernkloof Reserve. Magical forests, dramatic coastlines & rare ecosystems await. Take an informative trail and encounter the history of early people groups, whales & dolphins, ancient middens, medicinal plants, marine organisms, endemic bird species, rare flowers, threatened wildlife and much more. Our emphasis is on conservation and education. The environment speaks!
R350 per person (2-3hr)
Trading hours