BASE 4 Avation
fromAviation, as part of the Hermanus Whale Enviro-Arts Festival, is proud to form part of this annual festivity where the whales are the star performers.
Tel: 021 934 4405
Email: reception@base4.co.za
Website: www.base4.co.za
Reviews 0 Reviews0/5
Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level
Why simply view the whales from shore and from a distance? BASE 4 offers passengers the once in a lifetime opportunity to view these majestic animals from above in comfort and style of a helicopter.
When viewed aerially, not only do you see many more whales but you also get to view the cows and their calves in much greater detail than from shore. You will also be blown away by the
sightings and breath-taking scenery en route from Die Plaat Beach, De Kelders and return via the Hemel en Aarde Valley.
Trading hours
09:00 to 17:30
20 minutes – R1200 per person