Lembu Gallery & Studio
fromLembu Gallery is situated at Shop 10, Warrington Place (off, Harbour Rd, Hermanus)
Tel: Tel 082 976 7302
Cell: 082 976 7302
Email: lembu@telkomsa.net
Web: www.lembu.co.za
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The gallery exhibits a wide range of fine South African and African art and fine craft including paintings, sculpture, ceramics, basketware, African artifacts and jewellery.
It is the home gallery and studio of artist Ed Bredenkamp, most well-known for his iconic red elephant studies.
Lembu also exhibits the work of two other established Hermanus based artists – the magical surrealist paintings of Elise Macdonald and ceramicist Catherine Brennon’s beautiful ‘Dream Boxes.’
The gallery has on display a wide range of hand printed fabrics including table runners, cushion covers and wall hangings.
These fabrics are all produced in the Lembu studio using a library of hand carved printing blocks. The studio, a short fifty metre walk from the gallery, is open to the public and visitors are welcome to watch the hand printing process taking place.